Well, guess what?? I've discovered the secret to Step Parenting. It's sharing. I know, simple enough, how come it took me this long, and how in the world does it seem so hard. Well to truly answer those questions, I must start at the beginning.
I'm the oldest child and the only girl. So sharing wasn't really learned well. I mean what brother wants to play with his sister's girly toys. And what sister wants to play with boy toys. Definitely NOT me!! I was never and will never be anything resembling a tom boy. Besides some of my mom's MANY rules, I've discovered, were really anti-sharing. Such as, no sharing of clothing or jewelry with any girl. Do you know what that does to a junior high and high school girl's social life. It crashes, but that's another story, all in and of itself.
So I must share more, share my space, share my things, share my relationships, especially with my husband. I'm not good at sharing, never have been. So please, pray for me. Because you see, my lovely step-daughters will be spending 10 days with us for the holidays.
Did you hear that???
10 full days??
I'm not freaking out.
No, not at all.
I wasn't meant to be a full-time mom. I KNOW THIS. If I had any doubts, believe me being a step mom every twelve days to a 9 and 17 year old, drives the point home.
Please pray for me, as I do try my best to share on the outside, while on the inside I will be screaming . . . .
LEAVE ME ALONE, IT'S ALL MINE like a silly two year old.
Thanks -
the worst step mom ever!
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