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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Upbeat and Making Progress

Who would’ve guessed??
I’ve blogged about the youngest one.
It’s now the eldest’s turn.
I was completely taken aback the other day.
I have to give a bit of background information here to make this make sense, so bear with me please.  I must talk about my phone.  My phone and I are inseparable.  Seriously I can’t breathe without it.  I know it’s terrible.  I seem to have an addictive personality and right now it’s my phone and Dr. Pepper.  Compared to my past, I’m doing MUCH MUCH better.  One thing at a time is my motto.  So I’m always checking my phone, facebook, twitter, texts, games, etc.
So my phone vibrates the other day, nothing new, really.  When I look at my phone, it’s a text, FROM THE OLDEST.  First thing to do is to check the hubby’s phone.  Nope, there was no text on his phone from her.  I open the text, and it’s just a random thought she wanted to share.  HALLELUJAH AND PRAISE THE LORD.  I can officially say my oldest and I have a relationship.  We continued to talk for about 6-8 more texts.  It was absolutely lovely.  I tried VERY hard not to come through the texts as I was physically.  Jumping up and down, doing the happy dance.  Wow, perseverance and patience pays off.  It worked, it worked.  I love that girl more and more every day.
Thank you, Lord, for your many blessings (even when I see them as complaints and hardships!).
Now to wait on the next moment of breakthrough. . . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! It's the small victories that keep a stepmom going. Enjoy those moments and build on them! Hope you'll visit us if you haven't already at StepMom Magazine!
    Best of luck!
