To chore or NOT to chore . . . .
As you know, I have to step-daughters. However, since one just recently graduated from high school, we’ve been forced to a one kid family. (The oldest is spending the summer at church camp working as a counselor and then will move to college almost directly from camp. L) The dynamics are SO different, SO calm, and SO almost easy. Now, I don’t want to jinx myself, but our last visit had NO drama; which is the very FIRST time that has happened!!! However, that is a completely different post!!
I’m asking all my fellow stepmoms about the chore issue. I am a stepmom, who sees her step kids every 12 days for 48 hours. Translated that means every other weekend. Do we as a family enforce “chore” duty? She is 10. She is capable of much. I have NO IDEA what she has to do at her mom and stepdad’s house. We are not in a relationship where this can be discussed. Trust me; it’s just not there yet. My feeling is, this child is handed EVERYTHING on a silver platter. She is not expected to do ANYTHING. So “making” her do “typical” 10 year old chores may be starting WWIII; which is exactly why I haven’t. However, I’m wondering if I am actually creating a disservice towards her for this?? I would love to hear your opinion and your routines. Even if you are not a stepmom, what do you require, how do you handle it?? I’m a first time mom, and it’s a stepmom, and it’s to a precarious 10 year old girl. PLEASE SEND HELP!!